Good morning and happy Monday! I hope that you had a great weekend and are ready for the brand new week.
On Friday our grandson Andrew had his tonsils and adenoids removed and drain tubes put into his ears. He was a champ through the whole ordeal, because he knows that once he gets healed up he won't have the sore throats and ear aches that he gets from time to time.
Here is in before the surgery, in the waiting room with other kids having surgery that day. He has become reacquainted with his dinosaurs recently and has added more to his collection and has asked for books about them.
This photo is him all prepped up and ready to go in. You can see on his face that he'd rather be anywhere else in the world right now, but he's not scared. He's using his stuffed monkey as a pillow
And here he is at home the day after. He's got all of his dinosaurs all lined up on the floor in front of him while he makes tracings of them from his new dinosaur book.
On Sunday they watched a cartoon movie with dinosaurs. He said "This is silly. That dinosaur is from the Jurassic Period and the other one is from the Late Cretaceous Period." I have no idea what that means, but I know enough not to question him.
Here's a recent layout of mine about dinosaurs. He's not seen it yet. When he does, he might be critical if I've mixed up my dinosaurs. Anyhow, this is where these pictures will go.
Thanks for stopping by today. Have a wonderful and blessed day and please try to keep your dinosaurs properly categorized!