Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Superhero Mom!

Good morning and happy Wednesday!  Everybody knows (or may even be) a Superhero Mom.  Let me tell you about one; my daughter Valerie.  While on vacation, she and her family took a hike which included climbing up some rocks.  The kids are 6 and 4.  While they let Andrew hoof it by himself, Carolina made the ascent in a child carrier backpack!!!

Here they are, part way up, stopping for a family photo.  Carolina is hard to see because Valerie has her backed up to the rock face while she and her husband keep Andrew steady on the narrow (too narrow for this grandmother) platform.

But here she is as they make the turn and keep climbing upward.  I don't have to tell you that I almost had a heart attach when I saw these pictures yesterday.  I was tempted to put in a call to Child Protective Services!

And here she is later in the day standing on a rock near the shore.  How did she get up there without getting her feet wet???  My guess is that she flew there!

So here is the layout that I'm going to put these pictures in.  She definitely has earned the title of Superhero Mom!

Thanks for stopping by today.  It will be a while before I get my heart out of my throat.  In the meantime, have a wonderful, safe and blessed day!

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